Thursday, September 23, 2010

Cybernog Convention 2020

As you know the Cybernog society did not of course die away. There was much talk and debate around how London police dealt with the whole issue. A new interest around the notion of being a 'Cybernog' has emerged, and for Zaps sake we do live in a democracy, what ever that means! So now we know for sure that the Cybernog society has become officially recognised as a new evolutionary development in the human race. There are those who identify themselves as Cybernogs. The whole situation of being a Cybernog as you can guess is laden with controversy. A lot of what the Cybernogs believe is apolitical and 'anti-humanist'. Cybernogs are trying their very best to disassociate themselves from humanity and become this new breed of aliens living on planet earth.

We are in year 2020, there is the biggest Cybernog convention ever. By now hundreds of thousands of people are desperately trying to claim their real identity as being a Cybernog. To be a Cybernog is fashionable. This proves to be complex. For as we know, to become a Cybernog first and foremost, you need to be a Super intellectual. You need a minimum qualification of a Doctorate if not two. The convention of Cybernogs is all about the future of the Cybernog. There are innumerable discussions around what ideologically the Cybernog society want to become, and how can they be an independent society who do not share any type of characteristic of the human kind. There are many seminars taking place in this convention to name a few: is the genetic development of a Cybernog to be a self energising source of living matter. Ideas are developed around how the human being can be genetically modified to grow nano scales on their bodies that can act like light sensors to produce energy source in the same way that photosynthesis occurs in plant life. This will then entail a Cybernog never to have to eat, drink, or even excrete any more.

Another seminar that is taking place is around the important issue of space travel. The Cybernogs believe if birds can fly across the Atlantic from pole to pole why is this not possible for a Cybernog to do so? Would it be possible to touch in on some magnetic force that will attract and repel flying objects? What about using the simple technological know how of wind currents? Could we pluck ourselves out of Gravity to enable us to travel wherever we wish?

Issues around time is very worrying for the Cybernog. Cybernogs realise how critical time is in this life experience and wishes to exterminate or at least change the meaning of time itself by splitting microseconds as a way of extending time. The Cybernog intuition is such that the concepts of time and the ideas around eternity and the infinite are essentially relative to our understanding of the future. If it were possible that our minds never believed that we ever die, that in itself would change our perception of not only who we are as living beings but our association with the rest of the world. The perception of the cosmos in time will appear to be instant and absolute.

Amongst other topics there is one seminar based on the topic of transcendence. For the Cybernog the idea of transcendence is a banal issue. We transcend every split micro second of our lives. The perception of transcendence is no different from waking up in the morning and having a cuppa tea! So when the discussion around eternity and the infinite comes to surface, the obvious conclusion to whom the Cybernog is as a 'being' or better still a 'system' is thus identified with that being that is forever within systems; the system being not other than the particle matter that makes this living Cybernog a part of the cosmic system. This is the transcendent. The Cybernog lives the life of quanta.


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